Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 2 Day 2

Today was another killer day of work for Patty and I in the world of children’s literature. After not being able to accomplish much yesterday, as I was a dead beat from my exam, Patty and I really had to get down to business today. We talked with Deb via phone, and decided that it would be best for Patty and I to work at Patty’s house today, so we would be able to focus entirely on the work needed to be completed. Since all of our work is at Patty’s house, Patty, Deb and I all agreed on this arrangement. Patty and I went into New London early in the morning to get some art supplies so Patty could draw some “final sketches” of our turtle family. When we got back to Patty’s, we both started our work, and remained extremely focused throughout the whole morning, and into the afternoon. We of coursed stopped working for bathroom and food breaks, but other than that nothing deterred either of us from our work at hand! My big project for today was to try to complete roughish/final poem and page drafts for each member of the family. I was able to successfully complete the poems for the children, but had an extremely difficult time developing poems for the mother and father turtles. I’m hoping that when we meet with DEB tomorrow she will definitely be able to help me work through this problematical writers block. Patty and I also discussed the order of our book, to make sure we are on the same page for each of our characters! It was an extremely successful day for our book, as we have a very clear and developed image of the final product of our work!

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