Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 3 Day 4!

So today was actually the biggest day of work yet for our book. Our book was literally put together on the photoshop program at Deb's cottage. Today Patty and I got to work extremely early, (8 AM!) at the cottage where Patty completed the rest of the drawing for the book! It was so awesome to actually have the relief that the illustrations were COMPLETE, and to be scanned into the photoshop program and used to complete each turtle's page! BIG STEP IN THE PUBLICATION PROCESS! (That's what Randi Rivers form Charlesbridge Publications told us!) SO... After the illustrations were scanned into the photoshop program, I was able to complete each page layout with Patty's input, as well as help from JUST JACK. Deb was able to join Patty and I in the cottage in the morning so we could update her on the status of our FINAL PRODUCTION! The photoshop program we are using is UNBELIEVABLE! It can seriously do the craziest things ever! It can manipulate any picture any certain way one wants! It is so crazy to be able to use such a high tech program to publish our book off of. We were able to finally complete each page layout, and add the text to each page. It was so amazing to see all of our hard work put onto the program, and in our BOOK format! I can't believe it is all coming together like this. The pages look SO GOOD. I mean they are seriously way better than I could have EVER imagined, and this is really do to everyone who has contributed to helping out Patty and I in this entire process, especially Deb. She knows exactly how to fix things, and calm us down whenever we, (mostly me) gets stressed out and thinks that our whole book is going to fail. Our book is way better than what I expected, and we accomplished MUCHISIMO work today. Tomorrow we PRINT!!!!! This is so surreal to me that three weeks have flown by like this! I feel like I just started writing drafts for this book of ours, and now it is in the final days of production! I can't express how spectacular this experience has been for me. I honestly cannot wait to see our book print tomorrow! A final product of these last three weeks is exactly what Patty, Deb and I need! We finally get to admire all of our hard work tomorrow! AHHH! WAHOOO!!!
Until next time muggles.

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