Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 2 Day 4


         TODAY WAS DOPE. Yes! Today we ventured in the early hours of the morning into Watertown, Ma. which is located 9.6 miles from BOSTON! ( according to the trusty GPS.) In Watertown, we were able to get a full tour of the Charlesbridge Publishing House! It was unbelievable! We were able to see the full process of a story from the submission of a story, to the final print. We got to see a sneak peak of the "hot off the printer" children's book "What Really Happened To Humpty." We saw all of the edits, straight from the editor, Randi Rivers! She was our tour guide for the day  and she was AWESOME. She pushed for this book to get published when she read it in 2004, and it is now finally just getting printed in 2008! It truly awakened me, and made me really aware of the time and hard work that goes into each book that is published and printed! After seeing the editing aspect of the book, we were then brought to the art direction of the book, and were shown the many, many, many redirections and edits in the illustration part of the book publication process. I was truly blown away by the whole processes that Randi toured us through today. We met many of the main people involved in the process of how a book gets "picked" out of the many thousands of submissions the Charlesbridge Publication HOuse recieves each year. AND... Out of these thousands of submissions, only between 8-10 are published every "season." ( Meaning Summer, Spring, Winter, and Fall.) This was truly an amazing experience for Patty and I as we were able to see the publication process, and not just hear about it from authors and illustrators. We were able to see a new prospective of the process, and I am now able to fully appreciate a finished, publicated book! 

         After our tour at Charlesbridge, Deb, Pat and I went into Boston to Quincy Market for some yummy lunch and frozen yogurt! It was an absolutely fabulous day, and I LOVED every second of it! I am truly loving this Senior Project WAY more than I ever anticipated! Tomorrow Patty and I will be working together at her house to finish our rough draft of our book! This is truly an exciting process, and we are nearing the end of our project time! We are now under a TIME CRUNCH to get out book done, and I KNOW we can do it! We are on our way to having a beautifully written and illustrated Turtle Story! Wahoo!

Until next time muggles.

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