Friday, May 16, 2008

Week 2 Day 5

Today was very much a more lax day of work than any day thus far in to our project. Even though it was more relaxed than ever, Patty and I still got some very important work done for our book, which by the way will being to be "put together" on MONDAY! I can't actually believe that the last week of undistracted work is starting this monday, and that the finished product of our children's book is just in sight! Today Patty drew some more finished turtle family members, and they are absolutely amazing! Patty truly has an artistic gift! I on the other hand do not have quite the writers/rhymers gift, as I still have three poems for Turtle family members to write about! It's very frustrating to know that I have to complete these rhymes by monday, but to not be getting any ideas for the poems! I know that they will come to me by deadline, but it's just extremely difficult to have these times set apart in the day where I know that I have to accomplish some sort of writing, but my brain just won't allow it. I know that our whole project will come together (hopefully more smoothly than anticipated,)  and our finished project will be exactly what Patty and I have in mind. Patty and I also read some of the book gifts that Charlesbridge Publications gave us when we went to visit them yesterday. The writers, and illustrators of these book are just amazingly talented. The work that is required for a book mock-up like Patty and I are doing is extremely demanding. The authors and illustrators of these actually published books must be absolutely and completed wiped out by the end of their whole entire process, which can take up to 4 years for one book! this is all just so new and crazy for me, but I absolutely love every second of it!
Until next time muggles.

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