Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Week 3 Day 2!!!

Today was a very productive day for both Patty and I! We both met bright and early with Deb at her cottage, where we collaborated all our work thus far for our book. Patty was able to see all of the finished poems in a printed format, which was super exciting! She was able to understand the actions, and prospective of the remaining characters that needed to be drawn. We then were able to play around a little bit with the program that we will be using for the printing of our BOOK! A quick shout out to MARY LEDOUX, whom without her generosity and donation of linen paper for our book production, we would probably be in big debt with production costs! YOU GO GIRL!  We were able to use the Photoshop program in which we scan Patty’s pictures onto the computer and save them into the program. We are then able to use various backgrounds, and effects that add drama to our pictures! It is the coolest program! We still need to meet with JUST JACK to figure out many of the logistics of the program, as we were not able to get to far with the layout of each page today. The program is very complicated, and stressful, but with JUST JACK’S help we will be in full swing of starting layout of each page consisting of a picture and text! It was very cool and exciting to actually be able start the scanning process onto the computer. We also were able to pick out all of our scene backgrounds for each turtle’s page! It is so awesome to be at a point in our project where everything it totally under control, and on schedule! (Knock on wood!) We plan to work on finishing the cover illustration tomorrow morning, then to meet with Deb in the afternoon after our game so we can have JUST JACK’S help with the program. We are then going to work well into the night to get most of the layout finished for the book. Then on Thursday, we want to completely finish the book and have it ready for print on FRIDAY! IT’S DOWN TO THE WIRE! Here we go!!!!!!

Until next time muggles.


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